Calviño states to have in the bank 109.000 euros after collecting 2.5 million BruselasVarapalo Brussels: the Budgets of Sanchez to deviate from the adjustment exigidoCalviño says that if there’s extra time Budget will shoot the deficit

The minister of Economy and Business, Nadia Calviño, has opened the door to an extension in the term of privatization of Bankia beyond 2019 , given that the current situation in the market not advised to take the decision to sell.

In an informative breakfast organized by Europa Press in Madrid, the minister has pointed out that such an extension over December of 2019, which is the term that is currently set by the Government for the sale of the entity, it is “a possibility that we can consider” in function of how to evolve the market.

The minister has avoided setting a target price per share for sale “because it is not the same selling a package of 7% to sell a controlling stake” , but, in any case, “now is not the time” because the objective of the Government is to maximize the recovery of the aid.

in Addition, the minister has not rejected the possibility of selling to investment funds, the participation of the State in Bankia, above 60%: “we have not ruled out anything,” , has said.

Spain: 2.7% deficit, and 97% of GDP debt

on the other hand, Calviño has been argued on Wednesday that Spain is “absolutely in line” meet the deficit target of 2.7% for this year and able to close “even” with a public debt below the target of 97% of GDP set out for this year.

“We are absolutely in line to meet the deficit target of 2.7% , it is a very good news because it will allow us to get out of the arm corrective of the Stability and Growth Pact”, he stated Calviño.

The minister stressed that international organizations have aligned their growth forecasts for Spain with the Government estimates, that point to a breakthrough in GDP of 2.6% this year and around 2.3% in the next financial year.

According to the minister, the target for this year’s deficit of 2.7% of GDP is “realistic” and that is what “were preaching and warning all of the agencies” , while that to 2019 provides for a set of 9 points, up 1.8%, that is, greater fiscal discipline than in recent years.

in Addition, it has highlighted that prospects are “positive” for the labour market , which have been “confirmed” by the latest membership figures , with a slight increase of 3%, and the reduction of the registered unemployment by 6% in November.