HIV, diabetes, psoriasis, and the celiaquí will not be reason for exclusion to access to public employment How is HIV transmitted? How do I do the tests?: basic data on enfermedadLa epidemic of HIV and aids is rampant in Eastern Europe

Ellen G. Torres was one of the first women infected with HIV in Spain. This barcelona 47 years it was never part of the so-called “risk groups” -composed mainly by prostitutes, homosexuals and drug addicts – in a way that no doctor came up with to make the test more feared until your body already bordered on collapse.

Finally, had to be she who ended up going by your account to become a complete checkup that he discovered his true situation. That day also inferred that it had been his former spouse, since deceased, had transmitted a disease, without knowing it, he wore a decade-dragging.

“For a long time, I felt a lot of anger against him. I didn’t know what was going to happen with my life and I felt hopeless. The doctors do not know if it would go forward and gave me ten years of life. I had prepared myself to die at any moment”, he confesses to ABC in the morning prior to the World Day of Fight against AIDS.

take Off

“If I do not get to have my sister on your side when you gave me the news I would not have even reached my house. Not for fear or for shame. Directly I would have removed from the midst. It was very, very difficult. Luckily, she grabbed me very strong hand and saved me,” he says before acknowledging that, still today, his mother refuses to discuss the issue.

Mother and activist

The first years that Torres had to deal with the disease were extremely hard, both in medical terms as in the emotional. “ Each time you accompanied someone to die, I wondered if I would be the next “, she says excited while showing some of his photos of youth -that accompany this page – and on that we can appreciate the rapid evolution experienced by your body. She was infected when had not yet passed the age of majority, and bottomed out when rubbed the thirties. Today, your face looks healthy, is the mother of a teenager of 12 years totally healthy and works in the NGO “Actua Vallès”, where it makes rapid tests to detect new infections before it’s too late.

despite the promising scientific advances of the last few years -in which the Spanish science has played a decisive role as the hand of researchers, as well as Bonaventura Clotet – the way of HIV-infected persons is still difficult. The treatments are advancing and the hiv-positive no longer are doomed to engulf bulky cocktail of daily medication to keep his disease at bay. However, the company has not proceeded at the same pace and in terms of acceptance, the current situation is much the same as it was lived decades ago. “People with HIV or AIDS are vilified as if they deserved what happened to them , that doesn’t happen with people who are sick of the lung who smoke full packets of cigarettes,” says Torres. “Now if it detects an infection in six months you can handle, you can work, have a partner and not transmit anything and to have a child who is born healthy. If the diagnosis is later also dates back quickly,” observes before acknowledge that over the years, she herself flageló with insistence until you feel “like a bomb infectious andante”.

early Aging

Currently, the life expectancy of an hiv-positive person is the same as that of any other citizen. It has made it has generated a new group (increasingly numerous) people with HIV of fifty and even sixty years. “How are you going to combine the disease with diseases that appear with age, such as dementia or osteoarthritis?”, warning: this journal Alberto Captain, director of ActuaVallès.

Other issues to face are more practical. An example: “According to the existing protocols, people with HIV may not have access to residences for the third age, neither public nor private. Case-by-case basis, the entities we go on to explain that there is no risk”, report.