The basic law, appears in magazine form. The full original text comes on Tuesday (27. November) as a magazine at the Kiosk, in good time before the anniversary on the 23. May 2019: the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany is 70 years old.

The new edition is intended to Supplement the Text of the basic law, to photos, info graphics, easily readable, and modern present, informed the Journalist and media entrepreneur Oliver worm in Hamburg. He has the project “The basic law as a magazine” together with the Designer Andreas full ritsch pushed. The printed edition is to launch 100,000 copies, the 124-page book costs ten euros.

the basic law as a magazine: “Young and Old should read it, rich and Poor, professors and workers” Fullscreen

The Cover of “GG – basic law magazine”


For the magazine, there is no specific target group, says worm: “the Young and the Old should read it, rich and Poor, professors and workers.” He didn’t take the basic law for a long time. “The last Time I had looked in the school there,” says worm. Then he followed the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar, was praised in a talk show the Constitution and recommended that all should read.

“The Text was on a small scale and without pictures, that was very tiring,” recalls worm. “But it was also fascinating to see what clever stuff in the basic law.” A lot appeared to him, today, downright visionary. “You know the one or the other article,” says worm, but the entire Constitution was made but hardly anyone. Its output is intended to facilitate the reading of the basic law text. The magazine form is suitable for the job. Was illustrated, the magazine with Satellitenfotost of Germany and Europe, the “Astro Alex” Alexander Gerst on his current Mission has produced. “It’s a wonderful meta-level, which is created by these images around the Text”, so blade makers worm.

the worm produced the magazine without a publisher. It is intended to have nationwide be kiosks. “The basic law for all – virtually! At The Kiosk! Has done a lot of work. But even more fun,” says worm. Experience with projects of this type, he already has: in 2011, he brought together with full-ritsch, the New Testament as a magazine at the Kiosk.

fs / DPA