president of The Government and its ministers are enjoying this Saturday for a day of coexistence in Quintos de Mora (Toledo). The meeting is intended to chart strategy for new political course and to share reflections and concerns in an informal environment. Pedro Sánchez, has called on cabinet members in a farm owned by State in municipality of toledo, Los Yébenes, used by some presidents of Government to receive visits of or leaders, as did José María Aznar to u.s. George W. Bush in 2001.

In line with retirement that Sanchez held before Christmas, with members of Executive of PSOE in Daimiel (Ciudad Real), president gars his cabinet to, in a more relaxed environment than that of meetings of Council of Ministers or offices with ministers, discuss with m challenges ahead for country and to do so “with a long look”, far from short-term that often moves day-to-day running of a government, explained a senior Executive to Europa Press.


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The agenda of United Nations to promote sustainable development and reduce inequality across planet (agenda 2030), change of Spanish production model to boost industry and innovation, or demographic challenge posed by ageing of population, or rural exodus are some of topics that members of Government provide for treating, among ors, are ahead of same sources.

members of The Executive will also have opportunity to share ir thoughts or concerns on those matters on which y are specialized and know in greater depth.

The day of coexistence will be reduced finally to sabbath and, in interest of preserving privacy of meeting, re will be no media coverage of same, by what has not been summoned to media.

This retreat takes place two days before Sanchez takes Monday a tour of Latin american that will take, in this order, and throughout next week, to Chile, Bolivia, Colombia and Costa Rica.

Nestled in mountains of Toledo, estate of Quintos de Mora, covers an area of more than 6800 acres. The property of State since 1942, has been scene of meetings of presidenets of Government Spanish with representatives of aliens. The National Security adviser of Bush at time, Condoleeza Rice, baptized place as ” ranch of Aznar”, in an anecdote that brought greater popularity to site.

Both Aznar and after Zapatero used estate of Quintos de Mora not only to accommodate ir international guests, but also to enjoy m a few days of rest. It was also in this enclave where president Aznar prepared with Mariano Rajoy in 2003, changes in Government and PP, after choosing you as his successor in party.

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