There are few things more boring than a commission of under-secretaries. The body of half a hundred people organised by Council of Ministers and will usually meet on Wednesdays is tedious, methodical, administrative. But this Thursday —was delayed by holiday— it was completely different. Came even a round of applause, something rare. Came when Carmen Calvo finished a heartfelt speech in which he explained why Government would approve by decree exhumation of Franco, to comply with an outstanding debt of Spanish democracy, because it is only dictator of Europe buried with honors. Someone started to clap and was followed by practically all usually serious and discrete State secretaries and under-secretaries.


  • DESCARGABLEConsulta BOE with Royal Decree that agrees to exhumation of Franco
  • The Government gives 15 days to family of Franco before start of process to exhume body
  • “let’s take yours, not ours!”
  • So shall exhumation of Franco’s Valley of Fallen

The next day, yesterday, in Council of Ministers, re was no applause in meeting of his superiors, but all were aware that it was not an appointment most Fridays. Calvo and president, Pedro Sanchez, made ir explanations of political significance of moment and ministers gave account of special day that you were living. “There was a sense extended to be proud of belonging to Government that did this,” said one of m.

Everything is ready to go at all possible speed, after an initial delay of two months, which has taken Government to approve a decree law since it began to say that decision was imminent. At beginning, during July, tried to convince family, but a letter of seven grandchildren of Frank led to work on plan b: decree-law.

The opposition of heirs now, while Government will give you 15 days to change your mind, it’s made and will not be a serious problem, y believe in Executive. The only major conflict could come from Church, and yesterday it was made very clear that y do not oppose. In a statement, archdiocese of Madrid noted that “shall comply with legal mandate a time to be firm and executive”. The Church calls consensus with family, but says that if re is no agreement y will obey what y say laws, that is, decree.

Behind this decision re is a lot of political work discreet. At that same meeting of undersecretaries of Thursday, Calvo explained that half a hundred men and women key in all ministries that negotiation with Church was going from strength to strength. And told openly that re was a private meeting, in July, participated in by two of those present at committee, assistant secretary of Vice-president, Antonio Hidalgo, and secretary-general to president, Félix Bolaños, with archbishop of Madrid, Carlos Osoro, in order to probe available. Hidalgo and Bolaños were yesterday in first row listening to vice-president in a historic day for many in The Moncloa.

Contacts with Church

Before that private meeting of envoys of Government, president Sánchez had been seen with president of Episcopal Conference, Ricardo Blazquez. Of se contacts, Executive had deduced that Vatican, now led by pope Francis, would not be a problem. The Church, which also has internal tensions with this topic on part of conservative sector —now in a minority but still very powerful—, so accepts that it may not oppose a decision made by law and endorsed by Parliament.

There is an important element in final decision of Church not to oppose. Franco was buried in Valley of Fallen by a decision sanctioned by king Juan Carlos, and decreed by dictator, as his successor, and will now be exhumed by a decision of Government in form of a royal decree sanctioned by king Felipe VI, head of State of a country fully democratic, opposite of what happened in 1975 when he died with dictator.

Have past 43 years, 22 of m with socialist Governments, and several failed attempts, but this time it seems good. The PP and Citizens reject formula of decree, and ensure that issue is not urgent. But even popular clear to vote against it. In Government want to avoid spectacle of departure of remains of Valley of Fallen live on all televisions, but in any case believe that anything that happens to m can hurt. On contrary, to take out Franco is not only a historical debt of democracy, in The Moncloa are convinced that it is a decision that can only win.

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  • The Church will comply with legal mandate of exhumation of Franco
  • VIacute;DEOVerdades and myths from history of Valley of Fallen