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According to a study by MCPRO, 39.7% of companies will increase their investment in digitization by 2023. “Digital Transformation 2022” includes 20 IT success stories with Spanish companies and the participation of the main technological multinationals. More than 150 CIOs, CTOs and CIOs participate in the “CIO Study 2022”

Madrid, 11/30/2022.- More than 63% of those responsible for the digital transformation of Spanish companies consider that investing in cybersecurity is their main priority for the coming year. This is clear from the CIO 2022 Study, a survey in which over the last six months more than 150 CIOs, CISOs, CTOs and directors of systems of Spanish companies have participated and which is included as part of the guide “Digital Transformation 2022”, a document prepared by MCPRO (Total Publishing Network) in whose preparation large technology companies such as AWS, Salesforce, SAP or Microsoft have participated.

In addition to including a CIO 2022 Study that reflects that investment in digitization will continue to grow in 2023, it includes 20 success stories that show how companies from all kinds of sectors have addressed their digitization processes in areas such as tourism (Palladium Hotel Group), insurance (Pelayo), health (IVO Foundation) or urban mobility (Cabify). It also shows how public administrations such as the Constitutional Court or the Junta de Andalucía have been transformed; educational institutions such as IE or international NGOs such as Educo.

In “Digital Transformation 2022” it is the CIOs who assume all the leading role. They are responsible for each digital transformation process, the ones who explain what previous situation they started from and what are the main benefits they have obtained after starting them. In this sense, each of the success stories is accompanied by a complete interview with the technological manager of each of the projects and the description of the technologies that have been involved in the process.

In addition, practical and opinion articles are included that show companies how they can do more in areas such as cloud computing, networking or security, and interviews with executives of the main technological multinationals.

Inflation does not stop digitization processes

One of the main conclusions reached by the “CIO 2022 Study” is that despite the difficulties arising from the rise in energy prices and current inflation, there is no turning back for digital transformation and only a 4.7% of the companies surveyed state that they will invest less in digitization processes in 2023.

And it’s more. Almost 40% of the companies (39.7%) indicate that they are going to invest more than in 2022, while 42.9% affirm that they will maintain a very similar investment. If it is analyzed in detail how the investment in new projects is going to be made, it is discovered that for 33% of the companies surveyed it is a priority to improve their business processes (data analysis, new ways of retrieving and processing information, use of AI, cloud computing…), followed by, with 28% of responses in this regard, culture and organization projects (changes in the way of working, digital organization in the company, training workers, etc. ).

And as noted, improving the cybersecurity posture is what most worries respondents. Telecommuting and the development of hybrid work is also one of the fields that commits the most investment, so that the technologies for the workplace and the promotion of mobility are the ones that are in second place (62%) the most interest technology managers. of companies.

Priority is the implementation of new business software (54%), the acquisition of hardware for the data center (50%) and the development of an adequate cloud computing strategy (41.9%). Regarding the obstacles that slow down this transformation, participants in the “CIO 2022 Study” cite rigid and slow bureaucratic processes as the main obstacle to overcome (71%), followed by the shortage and “leakage” of talent (68%) and poor integration between new and legacy technologies (65%).


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Contact name: Rodolfo de Juana

Contact phone: 914136549