a Recent decision by the transport agency to reduce the speed of 90 km/h to 80 km/h on several of The roads, and further reductions are planned in the future. Of The local government has several times expressed its disapproval of the changes, but, unfortunately, the Swedish transport administration, a total of tondövt. Despite the apparent lack of impact analysis drives the transport department through a change, which threatens to have a major negative impact on the development in the region.

We conclude that the agency does not want to participate in a dialogue with the other actors in the public sector. Prior to the decision to have the transport department has sent the proposals to be submitted for comments to member municipalities, the Swedish transport administration is not interested in our point of view. In the call, the agency has indicated that it will implement the changes, regardless of what it is proposing.

There are other ways to reduce the number of accidents
We all think that it is extremely important for road safety. We would have loved to have seen that, together, we have taken pro-active measures in order to reduce the number of accidents in the traffic environment. The valleys also give priority to such measures in our own regional infrastructure. These include, for example, if the mitträckesseparering, to secure the route for vulnerable road users and safer road crossings. These efforts are good for both on road safety and on the development of our country. Here, we should be able to find a common ground together with the Swedish transport administration.

the Swedish transport administration, justifying the hastighetssänkningarna that it is very cheap, but don’t expect the extra costs that are incurred, enter the debaters.Photo by: < / b> LASSE SANDSTRÖM What is the cost of arbetstidsbortfallet?

instead, the Swedish transport administration, therefore, slowdowns, and shall state that it is a low-cost operation. The assessment is based on the transport agency’s direct expenses, which are skyltbyten. However, do not to the increase in costs for the society, and when people sit a few minutes, hours, and days in the future. An estimate of the cost of the arbetstidsbortfall could not be brought to the conclusion that the speed reduction is low-cost. It is difficult to draw any other conclusion than that the travel time for people in the rural areas, are without any value for the last year.

in Consequence of the Swedish transport administration’s hastighetssänkning can, therefore, be a reduction in road safety.

Regional inequalities are
There is also a regional thing. In some parts of the country, the priority of good interventions, such as improvements to the road network, and we have to be content with the ”low cost” operations. However, this change does not come cheap! We know that the longer the pendlingstid do people choose to commute over long distances, which shrinks our job market and difficulties in the process. We are also a country that is dependent on transport, both for tourism as export industry will need a rapid and secure infrastructure. The valleys are contributing to Sweden’s prosperity, and the socio-economic impact of the hastighetsförändringarna, ignoring the the Swedish transport administration, from.

We are also concerned by the fact that the Swedish transport administration has investigated the impact hastighetssänkningarna are going to get on with the rest of the road network. There is a significant chance that the traffic will be moved from the hastighetssänkta the road to the other road, which is likely to involve the increasing and heavier traffic on roads that are not designed for this purpose. The consequence of the transport administration hastighetssänkning can, therefore, be a reduction in road safety.
We invite you to communicate
Januaripartierna in the united states, has given a clear priority to increase investment in infrastructure. The Swedish transport administration must, in the investment, to give priority to pro-active measures ahead of the action. We are happy to be in a better dialogue with the Swedish transport administration, for investments in The road infrastructure investments, which may result in an improvement in road safety and increasing accessibility.

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, The president of The municipality.

also , The president of the city of Borlänge municipality.

also , The president of The municipality.

also , The president of the Gagnef municipality.

also , The president of the First municipality.

also , The president of The municipality.

also , The president of the Novosibirsk Municipality.

also , The president of the municipalities of Malung-Sälen municipality.

also , The chairman of the Mora in the municipality.

also , The president of the Orsa, the municipality of

also , The president of Rättvik’s municipality.

also , The president of the Smedjebackens the municipality.

also , The president of Säter municipality.

also , The president of Vansbro municipality.

also , The president of Älvdalen municipality