When the prime minister, mr Stefan Löfven last week, we visited Skåne, further reduced immigrants come to the country. However, it wasn’t long before the deputy prime minister and minister Isabella Lövin (MP), accused his own prime minister in order to go with the back. Regeringsbråket came to a head in the face, open the shroud and lekstugans cirkusinspirerade the interior could be observed in real time the correctness of the nationals on Twitter and Instagram. Alice Bah Kuhnke, the european parliamentarians (MP), said on Instagram that the miljöpartisterna to resist their regeringskollegor ”everything they have”. She took the opportunity to call attention to these colleagues, ”apparently lost in the accompany(s)ago, and I completely lost sight of why they were created”. The förskolepedagog which, in any case, had long since abandoned them, if he only could. to Open the blind hearts of the
at the same time, the government will tweet from the play-house, resides in the united states in a serious crisis of integration. To open the blind hearts of the year following the year of the greatest of intentions and opened the border – without having to open up the community for real, for those who have fled to come here. Results can be seen in the alienation: kids who don’t learn English, they are adults who can never pay the rent with my own hard-earned cash, the young people who are lured into a life of crime by the people who choose the easy way out and take advantage of the weak.

Then the stack-Per Bolund in my head at the play-house, and declared that the government wouldn’t get involved if it is possible.

there are many parties that bear responsibility for that, we are in a state of deep integration. It is our damned duty to stop it. To accomplish this you need asylinvandringen to be kept at a low level for a long period of time in the future. We conservatives know that we have a responsibility, and we are fully prepared to do so.
Research list of demands
We have changed our policies and we stand by it. We will require the following:

alliance oil targets to the asylinvandringen.

, it is going to work itself out in the Swedish welfare system.


, the Reduction of family immigration.

, the Requirements of the livelihood and skills of the community for a permanent residence permit.

, That the citizenship has to be brought out.

That ‘ no ‘really means ‘no’. Have you received a ‘ no ‘ vote in the asylum process to return home.

unlike the social democrats, who again and again say they want to reduce immigration so we will be voting in the parliament also, as we have said, we are going to vote for a reduction in immigration. The government is moving in the opposite direction of, and to vote for the increase in family immigration, for the gymnasielagen, and further asylgrunder.

< Bolund also wanted to take part in the game
And they proceed to have a fight. Earlier this week, asserted minister Morgan Johansson (S) for the government to say ” no ” to accepting a quota of those to be rescued in the Mediterranean sea, as we have already taken a lot of responsibility. Per Bolund to the stack, then, in my head at the play-house, and declared that the government wouldn’t take part in the discussions and contribute where possible.

After a moment of patiently playing and realized the Löfvens announced that it started to go wrong. They decided, then, to say that the Lövin, it had been the right thing. Video: is alleged to have stated that the party leader – despite the fact that the press release clearly indicated that it was the prime minister, who was due to travel to Sweden. However, it did not agree with the deputy prime minister. ”As you said, it is certain that, as the prime minister!”, sulked as she.

the Government has no ability,

the Government’s play is a let down. To all of those who see Sweden’s security and the cohesion of nato. To all those who are looking for a way out of social exclusion. To those who feel hopeless.

I am convinced that we can turn things around. But then we have to be willing to make the tough decisions and stand by them. The government is not able to do so.

Migrationspolitisk spokesman.

READ MORE: , Why pretend to the government that the refugee crisis is over?

READ MORE: is Well a crisis can not be blamed on immigration. READ MORE: ‘ S sell out, the question of migration, this time taking the price of a New Sifomätning: the Majority of the cooperation with the SD and the christian democrats: a Large väljarmajoritet for co-operation with the SD. ”A big and unique change.