“I don’t believe it”. With these four words, the president of the united States, Donald Trump, tomb 1,656 preschools pages of a report that details the devastating effects of climate change on the economy, health and the environment. Little or nothing will matter to the representative that the study backed by 300 scientists from 13 different federal agencies and by law. The White House does not believe in the White House. Never before was it so obvious that there is a difference between the White House and the president. Douglas Brinkley, the historian and presidential at Rice University, says in the newspaper the New York Times that the White House has “lawyers and experts who are not willing to go to the story for misrepresenting data.”


Health, and money: the collateral effects of the fight against climate change The who are standing up against climate change Madrid and Barcelona, among the 27 major cities that have managed to reduce their emissions Trump withdraws the U.S. from the Paris Agreement to combat climate change

The report is brutal and has not softened in the slightest despite the fact that the current occupant of the White House is a holocaust denier of climate change. Without going further, last week, Trump tuiteaba with irony the following with regard to the spate of cold weather that hovered over the East coast of the country: “was it Not that there was global warming?”. Today has been much more explicit about the content of the report in terms of the catastrophic effects that announces on the economy: “I do Not think so”.

A presidential adviser with sufficient political vision to know that the story passes bill -and with Lyndon B. Johnson in the hard disk of your memory – remember the price you pay when you lie to the citizens. Johnson lied to the people about the Vietnam War when he claimed that everything was going well. Until the Pentagon papers proved otherwise.

In this case, has not done lack of journalistic research. Are more than 1,600 pages under the title of National Assessment on Climate, the scientific study more complete than exists to date that details with accuracy almost pinpoint the effects that climate change will have on infrastructure, the economy, public health and the coasts of the country. The extreme temperatures “have already become more frequent and last longer,” the report said. From 2015, the united States has broken records due to the harmful effects of the climate value of close to 400,000 million dollars.

The White House issued the report in the middle of a holiday to try to hide the lack of harmony between Trump and the signatories of the document in the pay of the Administration

In an act almost childish, what did the White House try to hide the lack of harmony between Trump and the signatories of the report to the salary of the Management was to publish the report last Friday at noon, being that Friday the day after thanksgiving, also already world-known and widespread as Black Friday. So maybe this minimized the impact, no one would be aware of the news. The report was scheduled for implementation over to the public in the month of December.

“climate change is transforming where and how we live and presents a growing challenge for the public health and quality of life, economy and the natural systems that help us to live,” reads the report. But there’s more: “it Is projected that the annual losses in some sectors of the economy to be counted by hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars at the end of this century, much more than the current GDP of the majority of the States of the Union.” Due to the rise in sea level, coastal areas are especially vulnerable, and storms because they devaluará much the value of the property. Places such as Alaska or Louisiana will be forced to transfer its population inland due to the risk of flooding.

There are two studies previous to this one. One is last year. The other data in 2014 and is just as accurate in their scientific conclusions, but not in economic costs and in the tangible effects that already being felt throughout the country, whether in the form of hurricanes or devastating fires in California.

A law of 1990, which requires the federal Government to make a report on the climate every four years. But until 2014, and the Administration of Barack Obama, there were no regulations, so the fight policy did not exist. By the end of 2015, Obama had a central role in the negotiation of the Paris Agreement, which establishes measures for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases. In 2016, Donald Trump comes to power, campaigning against these regulations and announced that it would end up with the “war against coal” Obama and the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Since then, the president has not only fought to end the restrictions that safeguard the environment if not that, as it has done now denies the major, a written report under his Administration. He says he does not believe it.