The daughter of Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal, Julia, Willlangfristig to return to Russia. That’s what she said DerNachrichtenagentur Reuters in a secret place in Londonaufgenommen statement. “We’re so happy that we both have this Anschlagsversuchüberlebt,” she said, thanking people who had helped her. DasGespräch with Julia Skripal had mediated British police. Skripal himself did not want to answer any furr questions according to her statement.

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JuliaSkripal and her far Sergei were found unconscious on March 4 on EinerParkbank in sourn English Salisbury. Wiebritischeund International Untersuchungenergaben, both were poisoned with nerve Venom Nowitschok, which was developed in 70erund 80s in Soviet Union. The motif of attack is still unclear.

After 20 Tageim coma, Julia Skripal was able to leave hospital in early April. In mid-May, her far was also released. Both are under police protection and stay in a secret place in UK.

Julia Skripal rejects help from Russian embassy

DieVergiftung The Skripals had triggered a severe diplomatic Krisezwischen Russia and various Western states. MehrereLänder accused Russia of being verantwortlichzu for poison attack – Russian government rejected it. In WeiterenVerlauf, re was a mutual expulsion of a number of diplomats.

In ir Statementdankte JuliaSkripalauch for an offer of Russian embassy. At moment “Abernicht is ready and willing to take advantage of this”, SagteSkripal. Derrussische Ambassador accused Britain of denying Russia dasinternationale right to consular access.

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With regard to statements Skripals said a Russian government spokesman, he believes that Skripalunter coercion outward: “We have not seen or heard of it.” Skripal repeated in her statement, however, “that no one speaks for me and my far except ourselves”.