After biting attack of dogs on a Syrian in Magdeburg, arrest warrant was issued against dog keeper. The initial suspicion of dangerous bodily injury was confirmed by furr investigation, police told. The 23-year-old came to a prison.

The Magdeburger was accused of having hounded his two dogs on 29-year-old Syrians. The victim suffered severe bite injuries during incident on May 13 and had to be treated in hospital.

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According to investigation, dog keeper first walked past family on a green area and insulted her. After a while he should come back and go to family. According to police, it is a fact that Syrian was protecting his family. Then dog keeper took man into sweat box, n dogs would have attacked. The police were able to locate dog owner, took his dogs and brought m to a shelter.

A few days after incident, police had made a new possible version of event public. According to this, dog owner had shown Syrian in his turn because of dangerous bodily harm.

Police rejects portrayal of dog holder

The portrayal of dog owner, who had been attacked by 29-year-old Syrian himself, had not been confirmed, said a police spokeswoman. A video that seems to cover this presentation is only based on actual Tathandlung and has been torn out of context in social media.

The MDR had reported on a video on which dog owner called: “You attack me all time, I call police now.” The recording also shows that Syrian and his acquaintances had a stick and a belt in ir hands. The dog keeper had “visibly withdrawn” and repeated that he would call police. One of men suddenly smashed into one of dogs, who had torn himself off and had to go to attacker-and finally walked into a green area. The video furr shows that German had run after his dog and called him back. Then man pulled his mobile phone and repeated that he would call police now. After that, film recording is aborted.

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According to police information, arrest warrant against dog owner was also decisive in fact that in March re had already been a similar incident. Here, too, man should have released his dogs on people, but y do not bite.