ant Indian, this is the reason why we caulk and track him,” said the Minister of Health in the morning of France Info. The other unknown around this variant is the ability of vaccines to neutralize it, here again Olivier Véran admits : “We do not yet know the effectiveness of vaccines on this variant.

30/04/21 – 15:51 – Pzifer files an application to authorise its vaccine for 12-15 year olds in the EU

BioNTech and Pfizer laboratories have filed an application to authorise their vaccine for 12-15 year olds in the European Union. Phase 3 clinical studies conducted by laboratory scientists have demonstrated 100% effective protection against the disease for this age group. The pharmaceutical giants also specify that voluntary adolescents have “tolerated it well in general”. If the application is accepted, Pfizer would be the first vaccine to be given to minors.

30/04/21 – 15:22 – The HAS seized on the possible administration of AstraZeneca to all volunteers

Olivier Véran indicated that he had seized the High Authority of Health to think about the possibility of administering the AstraZeneca vaccine to all volunteers for vaccination regardless of their age by signing a discharge. The HAS has not yet given its answer, but the minister said on France Info this morning : “For now, the first echoes that I have are not necessarily very excited by this idea but to rigor, maybe we can decide in this direction and give freedom of choice to the French by providing them with clear, loyal, appropriate information”.

READ MORE What is the evolution of the coronavirus in France ?

Santé publique France published on the evening of Thursday 22 April its last weekly epidemiological report on the coronavirus epidemic in the country for week 15 (from 12 to 18 April 2021). These points, more detailed than the daily reports issued every evening, shed light every week on the health situation in the country. In summary, there is a decrease, even slight, in the circulation of Covid-19, including among children. The containment measures decided at the beginning of April seem to be bearing fruit, while in the hospital, pressure remains consistent despite a slight decline in new admissions. Find out what to remember from this epidemiological point :

The epidemic decline announced by the government is confirmed in the figures , but Santé publique France alerts attention to the fact that the indicators remain at a very high level. In week 15, the incidence rate is down (337 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in France) compared to week 14 (411). Caution is warranted for two reasons: this decrease in incidence is due in part to the sharp decrease in the S15 screening rate and the positivity rate, which is increasing in S15 (compared to 9.2% in S14). Regarding the circulation of Covid-19 among schoolchildren , particularly worrying in recent weeks, it seems that the closure of schools has had a positive consequence. Indeed, Santé publique France reports a decrease in incidence rates in the different age groups: -19% among 6-10 year olds, -23% among 11-14 year olds, -19% among 15-17 year olds. At the level of variants , the very majority character of the strain of British origin is confirmed once again with a proportion of 82.3% of the screened tests in week 15. The South African and Brazilian variants continue to circulate at low noise, they represent 4.2% of the screened tests in week 15, compared to 3.8% in S14. However, there are quite significant disparities depending on the territory. This proportion of the South African and Brazilian variants increased particularly in the Creuse (30.5% against 11.1% in S14) and in Haute-Saône (17% against 5% in S14). A study on the impact of travel restrictions has been published by Santé publique France. It shows that the departments where the restrictions began in mid-March (Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France) began a decline in the incidence rate as early as week 13, but that the indicator still remains at a high level. For the rest of the country, faced with these measures since the beginning of April, the same process is observed, but staggered.  Hospital pressure continues to be strong , but after an increase between S10 and S13 and stabilization in S14, the number of reports of new hospitalizations decreased slightly in S15. Public Health France counted 13,194 against 13,754 in week 14, a decrease of -4%. A slight decrease was also observed in new resuscitation admissions in week 15 : 2,980 versus 3,175 in S14, or -6%. The number of Covid-19-related deaths, occurring in hospital and in ESMS, was still increasing in S14 (+4%), while the data for week 15 need to be consolidated.  Coronavirus map in France

Follow the evolution of the coronavirus in your municipality thanks to the map below. Click on a department to view the list of municipalities. Also find all the details on this map and the complete point by city and department in our article on the Covid map in France. 

Click on a department to view a list of its cities. Coronavirus Ain Coronavirus Aisne Coronavirus Allier Coronavirus Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Coronavirus Hautes-Alpes Coronavirus Alpes-Maritimes Coronavirus Ardeche Coronavirus Ardennes Coronavirus Ariège Coronavirus Dawn Coronavirus Aude Coronavirus Aveyron Coronavirus Bouches-du-Rhone Coronavirus Calvados Coronavirus Cantal Coronavirus Charente Coronavirus Charente-Maritime Coronavirus Expensive Coronavirus Corrèze Coronavirus Cote-d’or Coronavirus Cotes-d’armor Coronavirus Hollow Coronavirus Dordogne Coronavirus Doubs Coronavirus Drome Coronavirus Eure Coronavirus Eure-et-Loir Coronavirus Finistère Coronavirus Corse-du-Sud Coronavirus Haute-Corse Coronavirus Gard Coronavirus High-Garonne Coronavirus Gers Coronavirus Gironde Coronavirus Hérault Coronavirus Ille-et-Vilaine Coronavirus Indre Coronavirus Indre-et-Loire Coronavirus Isère Coronavirus Jura Coronavirus Landes Coronavirus Loir-et-Cher Coronavirus Loire Coronavirus Haute-Loire Coronavirus Loire-Atlantique Coronavirus Loiret Coronavirus Batch Coronavirus Lot-et-Garonne Coronavirus Lozère Coronavirus Maine-et-Loire Coronavirus Handle Coronavirus Marne Coronavirus Haute-Marne Coronavirus Mayenne Coronavirus Meurthe-et-Moselle Coronavirus Meuse Coronavirus Morbihan Coronavirus Moselle Coronavirus Nièvre Coronavirus North Coronavirus Oise Coronavirus Adorns Coronavirus Pas-de-Calais Coronavirus Puy-de-Dôme Coronavirus Pyrénées-Atlantiques Coronavirus Hautes-Pyrénées Coronavirus Pyrénées-Orientales Coronavirus Bas-Rhin Coronavirus Haut-Rhin Coronavirus Rhone Coronavirus Haute-Saone Coronavirus Saone-et-Loire Coronavirus Sarthe Coronavirus Savoie Coronavirus Haute Savoie Coronavirus Paris Coronavirus Seine-Maritime Coronavirus Seine-et-Marne Coronavirus Yvelines Coronavirus deux-Sèvres Coronavirus Sum Coronavirus Tarn Coronavirus Tarn-et-Garonne Coronavirus Var Coronavirus Vaucluse Coronavirus Vendée Coronavirus Vienna Coronavirus Haute-Vienne Coronavirus Vosges Coronavirus Yonne Coronavirus Territoire de Belfort Coronavirus France Coronavirus Hauts-de-Seine Coronavirus Seine-Saint-Denis Coronavirus Val-de-Marne Coronavirus Val-d’oise Coronavirus Guadeloupe Coronavirus Martinique Coronavirus Guiana Coronavirus Meeting Coronavirus Mayotte Paris (75000) Lyon (69000) Marseille (13000) Toulouse (31000) Nice (06000) Nantes (44000) Montpellier (34000) Strasbourg (67000) Bordeaux (33000) Lille (59000) Rennes (35000) Reims (51100) Le Havre (76600) Saint-Etienne (42000) Toulon (83000) Grenoble (38000) Dijon (21000) Angers (49000) Looking for a city

Since mid-October, public Health France communicates the data of incidence (number of cases per 100 000 inhabitants) at the municipal level. The figures are at this stage communicated according to a scale (10 , 20, 50, 150, 250, 500, 1000 per 100,000 inhabitants). The data is expressed on a slippery week, which means that it is calculated on a D-day from the tests carried out between 3 and 9 days previously. To access information related to the coronavirus in your municipality, enter its name in the search engine or click on its belonging department in the map below.