ute;cartant, for the moment, any exchange with his rival: “It is necessary that everyone announces his candidacy and when it is done, exchanges can take place. For the moment, there is no exchange, there is no candidate, there is no project, nor a precise proposal from Eric”.

12:51 – Who would Eric Zemmour’s voters be?

17% of voting intentions for Eric Zemmour without being a candidate. This is what Challenges announces, according to a latest poll by Harris Interactive, Wednesday, October 6, 2021. However, what would be the potential electorate of the polemicist, when the latter has only emerged for a few weeks in the presidential race? The details of the survey show that a third of voters who voted for François Fillon and a third of those who gave their vote to Marine Le Pen in 2017 say they want to deposit a Zemmour ballot in the ballot box next April. This would be primarily an audience aged 50 and over, from both the affluent and popular or inactive categories.

12:34 – Eric Zemmour solicits mayors for sponsorships

500 supporters of elected officials. This is the prerequisite for running for president. From the campaign HEADQUARTERS found in the seventh arrondissement of Paris, the relatives of Eric Zemmour are active in trying to get the polemicist the necessary sponsorships for a candidacy for the presidential election in 2022. Many solicitations were sent, to elected officials of all political sides. And even communist, like the mayor of Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), who echoed it in an ironic way on social networks. And who did not give support to Eric Zemmour.

12:04 – Eric Zemmour soon officially candidate?

He appeared in the second round in one poll, he trails Marine Le Pen in others, he is level with Xavier Bertrand in the latest surveys… but he is not officially a candidate for the presidential election. Could the studies released by various polling institutes and his progress in voting intentions push Eric Zemmour to make a clear decision on his (or not) Élyséenne ambitions? “You have to choose the right time, you have to be sure of my decision. you have to be sure that I can go, that there are material elements that accompany this kind of application: funding, sponsorships etc…”, he exhibited on the set of CNews Wednesday, October 6, 2021. The polemicist explains “observe[r], look[r] and I think ‘can I go, can I not go, should I go etc…’, indeed, these polls encourage me rather.”A blur maintained that he says “very happy that my ideas, my convictions have such an echo in the country”.

11:53 – Robert Ménard will not vote for his “friend” Eric Zemmour

He says he is his “friend”, will receive him publicly in his city to talk about his latest book… but will not vote for him. Thursday, October 7, 2021, Robert Ménard was the guest of Franceinfo. The mayor, close to the RN, of Béziers (Hérault) clarified his position on the 2022 presidential election: “I will vote Marine Le Pen, I find it more reassuring than Eric Zemmour”. However, the one who blew hot and cold with the candidate of the RN leaves the door open to a change: “I say to myself at the same time, I do not know how things evolve. One may be surprised by the polls. I’m not blind, I’m not an ideologue. If tomorrow, one is at 8% and the other at 20%, we will have to draw the consequences so as not to be left without a candidate from our camp in the 2nd round”.

11:43 – “Polls, the farther they are from the election, the less reliable they are” tempers Marine Le Pen

The day after the announcement of a first Harris Interactive poll placing Eric Zemmour in the second round, then a second qualifying Marine Le Pen against Emmanuel Macron, the RN candidate reacted, recalling that “the presidential election takes place in 200 days (185 days exactly, editor’s note)” and lambasting “this kind of madness that comes to seize our media with two polls a day that say everything and the opposite of everything and never the same thing from each other is not reasonable”. For the woman who left the presidency of the party to Jordan Bardella until the election, “we must let the campaign unfold. Polls have their interest, but the further away they are from the election, the less reliable they are, we know. Marine Le Pen says she regrets “a situation where we spend our lives commenting on polls when we should present to the French our proposals because that is what allows them to vote with full knowledge of the facts”.

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