On Wednesday, President Donald Trump tweeted about his ongoing feud with our country’s court system over his travel ban, which was instituted, then rolled back by a judge in Washington state.

Lawyers from the Department of Justice argued the government’s case in front of a panel of federal appellate judges on Tuesday and now the country waits as the court mulls the case.

In the meantime, however, Trump seemed to insinuate in his tweet that the decision should be easy.

Big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas, while our people are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 8, 2017

Some people were just confused.

Easy D? Is this some new lingo that I’m not cool enough to understand? https://t.co/Om4WhZGHb8

— lalalala (@123lala5678) February 8, 2017

That time when you see “Easy D” trending and you wonder if there’s an 80s rapper you never heard of making a comeback. And then…nope.

— Abe Greenspoon (@worldofabe) February 8, 2017

Nothing in my life has prepared me for the president of the united states using the phrase “Easy D” https://t.co/26BACrnwMJ

— introdrewce yourself (@snesdreams) February 8, 2017


— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) February 8, 2017

But, the internet being what it is, you can’t just go tweeting the term “EASY D” in all caps and not expect a torrent of jokes to follow.

To wit:

@realDonaldTrump Easy D came before Easy E.  This is where Easy E learned to rap.

— Rajesh (@VishnuSeenath) February 8, 2017

Eazy-E > Easy D

— Jordan Pettit (@therecordrep) February 8, 2017

Lost Easy D Verse: Straight outta the White House is a brother that will smother your access to healthcare and deport your sister to Mexico

— Matt Katz (@matt__katz) February 8, 2017

@EmilLendof Did you know a year and a half ago that we’d have “EASY D?” pic.twitter.com/8pomq2xafO

— Jason Stein (@movieator) February 8, 2017

Not everyone took the humorous-rap-name path though.

George W. Bush got thru college with the Gentleman’s C; best Trump could manage was the Easy D. #resist

— Dobby Lessons (@DouxDux) February 8, 2017

Easy D presented the gold medal to Coretta Scott King after Atlanta spider attack.  #spicerfacts

— [?]Carrie Mayne [?] (@Mayne1Carrie) February 8, 2017

And, of course, there was a deluge of not-safe-for-work replies.

@TheRichWilkins “Easy D” sounds like an insult from an alternative universe in which men are the ones who get slut-shamed

— GumbyAnne, MPH, FDT (@GumbyAnne) February 8, 2017

[?] https://t.co/6s674G6h6i

— Grindr (@Grindr) February 8, 2017

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning for Easy D.

— Tyler Coates (@tylercoates) February 8, 2017

Just think: somewhere right now, two White House staffers are discussing how to tell the President of the United States what “Easy D” means

— David Mack (@davidmackau) February 8, 2017

—   Kale Williams




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