CORONAVIRUS. The last balance-sheet of the Covid-19 in France over 12 800 test positive in 24 hours. There are 63 additional deaths in the hospitals…

Summary Figures of the coronavirus in France New cases and deaths from the coronavirus from progress Curves of the coronavirus Stats of the coronavirus in France Map of the coronavirus in France Balance sheet of the coronavirus by country Number of cases of coronavirus and the number of deaths in France (cumulative)

Here are the latest official data available on the Covid-19 in France, according to the balance sheets daily of public Health of France and the ministry of Health, based on the test data SI-DEP, the hospital data and the lift of the medico-social establishments, including the long-term care facilities. Many details are needed to understand these figures. They are detailed below the table :

the Number of new cases of coronavirus and new death

Here are the number of cases of Covid-19, of deaths, hospitalizations, réanimations and cures observed more or less compared to the previous balance (usually the day before). Latest available data in France according to the balance sheets daily of public Health of France and the ministry of Health :

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Curves of the spread of coronavirus in France

from these data daily on the coronavirus in France, we have developed several curves that allow to observe the evolution of the virus according to the number of confirmed cases (by PCR test, i.e. nasopharyngeal), the number of hospitalizations and patients in the icu, the number of in-hospital deaths and death totals and the number of discharges, similar to the healings.

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important clarification on the number of cases : the government and public Health France have changed their method of collection of data on the results of the tests in mid-may, with the project as-DEP. If the number of detected cases everyday appears to be higher in early September than in late march/early April, the figures are not completely comparable. The quantity as the nature of the tests carried out have widely evolved since the déconfinement. Of some thousands of tests, France has increased to more than 1 million tests each week today, impacting inevitably the figures. Moreover, at the height of the crisis in march/April, tests were mainly in seriously ill patients, typically admitted to the hospital, putting aside all the ill no or little symptomatic.

In an item dated July 9, public Health France said that”during the epidemic wave, and until the lifting of the containment measures of the population, all patients with signs of Covid-19 have not systematically benefited from a biological test to confirm an infection (ministerial recommendations of 13 march 2020). The actual number of cases of Covid – 19 in France, therefore, was higher than the estimated number of confirmed cases during this period.” The agency estimated by extrapolation that the number of people infected by the SARS-CoV-2 stopped at week 11 (9 to 15 march), would be able to rise to 720 000 cases combined, compared to less than 6400 actually identified at the time. Hundreds of thousands of cases would then be passed out of the radar until may, which are partially recorded today with the availability of tests, including in asymptomatic. The health agency stated in July that “thanks to the system IF a-DEP, the number of confirmed cases now allows, theoretically, to estimate the actual number of cases of Covid-19 in France”. But it nuançait immediately : “This number may, however, be under-estimated because of the absence of systematic screening of infected symptomatic or asymptomatic”.

Of errors and corrections of the data have also been reported on several occasions by public Health, France since mid-march, leading sometimes to over-estimations followed a generally negative developments in the number of cases and deaths. It is also necessary to distinguish here the evolution of the total number of patients hospitalized at an instant T and new hospitalizations, in other words, the new admissions each day at the hospital (gross). In one case, it is a balance, which takes into account the inputs but also the outputs of the hospital (healing or death). In the other, we speak only of the new entries in the hospital or in the intensive Covid on a day. For each graph, the curve represents the cumulative (ex : total number of cases, hospitalizations in progress) while the bars correspond to changes in day-to-day (the balances of hospital admissions every day, new death, etc).

Statistics for the coronavirus in France

The department of Health also calculates, from the raw data, a series of statistics on the progression of the Covid-19 in the country. The four indicators that are particularly important are presented below : the positivity rate of tests, RT-PCR, the incidence rate, the number of breeding population and the actual rate of occupation of beds in r&eac