Dieter Kunzelmann, left-wing activist and co-founder of anarchist commune 1, is dead. He died at age of 78 years in Berlin, said his former lawyer Hans-Christian Stroebele. Previously, Berliner Zeitung and Berlin Courier had reported death.

Toger with Fritz Teufel and Rainer Langhans, Kunzelmann belonged to fun activists of 1968 movement. With his happenings he was considered one of important provocateurs of student movement.

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Kunzelmann was born on July 14, 1939 in Bamberg. In 1959, he founded German offshoot of a Situationist international, a kind of resistance cell in cultural enterprise in Munich.

In summer of 1966, Kunzelmann decided at a meeting in upper Bavarian Kochel toger with Rudi Dutschke and Bernd Rabehl that y wanted to concentrate ir activism on Berlin. In municipality 1, end of bourgeois small family was proclaimed. “Those who have slept twice with same are already part of establishment,” was famous saying. Political actions were organised out of municipality.

Kunzelmann also belonged to founders of terrorist group Tupamaros West Berlin, which carried out several attacks with incendiary bombs in city. Several times Kunzelmann expressed sympathy for Palestinian struggle against Israel. On anniversary of pogrom night of November 9, 1938, group 1969 a bomb in front of Jewish Community Center in West Berlin. Because of an error, explosive body did not explode. The damage would have been devastating.

In 1971, Kunzelmann was sentenced to a prison sentence, four years later he was released and became top candidate of Maoist KPD in Berlin-Reinickendorf. In early 1980s, Kunzelmann was a member of group of Alternative list, forerunner of Greens in Berlin House of Deputies, where he repeatedly noticed protest actions. He also engaged in Berlin squatter scene.

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In 1993, Kunzelmann reproached company car of n ruling mayor of Berlin, Eberhard Diepgen, with an egg. When case was negotiated before a court, Kunzelmann crushed anor egg on his head diepgen. Kunzelmann was to take a prison sentence, but fled and staged his death through a newspaper ad.  It was only 1999, to his 60 birthday, that he reappeared in appearance – and also his Hafstrafe.

He also turned journey to prison into a happening: After celebration of 60 birthday in scene Treffen Mehringhof in Kreuzberg he drove subway to prison in Tegel. He knocked at gate and said, “I want to get in here.” Then door opened. Kunzelmann entered.

Condolence book

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