For over 100 years, the Statue of Liberty has stood on Ellis Island, holding aloft the torch symbolizing welcome to this land of opportunity and freedom.

At her base are the words written by Emma Lazarus, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….I lift my lamp beside the golden door,” a promise of freedom that welcomed our parents, grandparents and all who came in search of freedom from fear and a chance to make a living in safety. Now, the leader of our nation has, with one stroke of his pen (or Twitter) cancelled this chance of opportunity to thousands who are living in indescribable conditions. 

How can we, as Americans, justify having the Lady with the Torch and her poem of promise continue to hold the symbol of a hollow hope? We, as caring Americans, must stand firmly, tightly together to preserve our heritage of passing along this torch of freedom and opportunity to all who search for it.

May God help us all.

Sally Larsen, Beaverton

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