l opposition party to Emmanuel Macron, despite a very low number of elected in France. In 2017, Marine Le Pen had obtained 21.3% of the vote in the first round, only to finally bow to Emmanuel Macron in the second (66.1% against 33.9%) after a calamitous debate. Xavier Bertrand (Various right): The president of Hauts-de-France has announced his will to run for president in 2022, without going through a primary of the right. “Yes I will be a candidate”, he announced on March 24, 2021 to the newspaper Le Point, considering himself” totally determined ” to run for the post of president of the Republic. The former Minister of Labour, but also of Health, mentioned the current context to justify his decision. “In the current situation of France, I believe that it is my duty,” he said. Xavier Bertrand, more than three years after officially leaving The Republicans, has once again freed himself from his former political family, some current members of which are still close to the one who is also a candidate for his own succession in the Hauts-de-France at the 2021 regional elections. “I have a Gaullian conception of the presidential election : it is the meeting of a man or a woman with the French, around a vision and a project. That is why I no longer wish to be part of the logic of a single party”, he boasted, assuring wanting to “restore authority”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France Insoumise): his wish to be a candidate was formulated at the end of 2020 and passed the 150,000 citizen signatures barrier that he himself had set to compete. If he now gets the sponsorships of elected officials, it is very likely that the leader of LFI, who incarnates since the collapse of the Socialist Party an alternative to the left, more protester, is again candidate for the Elysée. Jean-Luc Mélenchon participated twice in the presidential election, obtaining 19.58% of the vote in the first round in 2017, coming just behind François Fillon. Fabien Roussel (Communist Party): national secretary of the PCF since 2018, he should live his baptism of fire in spring 2022. While the PCF had not presented a candidate in 2017, standing behind Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Fabien Roussel was already invested in May 2021 by his party. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France) : For the president of Debout la France, the presidential election is an unmissable event, since his party, which has almost no elected representatives in France, is built for national elections. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has already announced his candidacy on TF1 in September 2020. After obtaining 4.70% of the vote in 2017, he allied himself with Marine Le Pen in the second round.  Jean Lassalle (Independent) : already a solo candidate in 2017 (1.21% in the first round), the former journeyman of François Bayrou, renowned for his offbeat outings in the Assembly and in the media has also pronounced for 2022. Declared candidate of rurality, Jean Lassalle says this time to embody “joy”, despite the crisis. It will nevertheless have to obtain the sponsorships.  François Asselineau (Union populaire républicaine) : sovereignist and supporter of the “Frexit”, François Asselineau participated in the presidential election of 2017 after which he obtained 0.92% of the vote. He is a long-time presidential candidate in 2022 since he announced his intention to be a candidate in April 2019, on France 2. Nathalie Arthaud (Lutte ouvrière) : candidate of Lutte ouvrière since the departure of Arlette Laguiller (0.64% of the vote in 2017), Nathalie Arthaud wants to win again for the 2022 presidential election. The spokeswoman of the far-left party will be in her third race at the Elysée Palace to embody the “revolutionary communist current”. Nathalie Arthaud has already obtained the endorsement of LO at the 50th party congress in December 2020.  Jean-Frédéric Poisson (VIA, the way of the people): former member of the UMP and close to Christine Boutin, Jean-Frédéric Poisson announced his candidacy for the presidential election in an interview with Valeurs actuelles in the summer of 2020. Former deputy and mayor of Rambouillet he had failed to be a candidate after his defeat in the primary of the right and the center won by François Fillon (1.5% of the vote).  Régis Ollivier (Independent): unknown to the political world, Régis Ollivier intends to be a candidate for the first time in an election in 2022. In a statement released on April 21, 2021 this former military claimed to have the necessary signatures to compete and called for “a change of matrix of our country, after the drifts of the last quinquennates”. Presentis candidates: Emmanuel Macron (La République en Marche): the head of State has never indicated that he would be content with a single mandate, his relatives have even been sensitized to how to prepare the ground to launch a new campaign for 2022. For several months the signals are multiplying going in the direction of a candidacy that Emmanuel Macron would undoubtedly like to see result as a new duel against the far right. In spring 2021, a “contest of anecdotes” with two renowned Youtubers from the Elysée Palace and a long interview with Zadig magazine were held.