its Own star, the Sun, affects at least seen from Earth, lonely walk from the, which moves on their own orbit in the Milky way center around.

on the other Hand, astronomers have long known that a big part of the stars are born of gas and dust forming a cloud collapses in a heap and close when a star hatchery. These hatcheries may have arisen even thousands of stars.

at Some point the stars are popped by the star clusters of our separate ways, but even then up to 85 percent of them have had at least one companion to keep her company. Such double-star systems in addition, researchers have found triple – and even nelostähti systems.

that, Too, is already familiar with, that our own Sun-like star over the side is another partner.

Could it be, then, that the sun on would have been a partner who for one reason or another have drifted their separate ways? This is the belief of at least Astronomy & Astrophysics (switch to another service) in the scientific journal published study the authors. The study reported, inter alia, (you move to another service)

“Far beyond the stars run away…”

the Portuguese city of Porto university researchers headed by a team of researchers believes that the Sun’s ex-partner is around 184 light years away, the star HD 186303. It is found in the southern hemisphere the Peacock constellation.

This is not the first time, when the Sun is the proposed partner, but this time researchers used previously, more research and better tools.

according to the researchers, HD 186303 recalls an extraordinary amount of star they call home. It is similar to a G-type main sequence star like our own, and only a scarce the Sun higher. In addition to the star surface temperature and the quality of the light resemble each other. Both the chemical composition and age, about 4.6 billion years, they matched quite closely.

HD 186303 is characteristic more Sun-like than, for example, in 2014, discovered HD 162826.

Sun 2.0 and the Land 2.0?

our Sun’s sister star identification should be according to researchers important, therefore, that it might help me understand where in the universe our star siblings are born.

Even more interesting idea is that the sister of a star could very well be conditions to sustain life. Yet we don’t know where alien life could be found, but the Sun’s sister star around it should probably look.

Some estimates show that life could have spread from Earth to other planets. Therefore why not also the sister of the stars to the rotating planet?

If we’re lucky, is the sister of the candidate planet. It is a stone planet, it’s circling their star’s life zone, and if it were still infected from the Country of “life seed”, can we dream to find our Land 2.0, which revolves around the Sun 2.0, said the study in the first sign of the Foal Adibekyan research bulletin. (you move to another service)