the majority of parliamentary factions the president would not want to the child’s vaccination to be mandatory, find out the Excessive from making the call round of.

The vaccine out of necessity rose to the surface, when the islet of the committee was stated in the measles case. Area vaccination coverage is only 75 per cent, when it in the whole of Finland is 95%.

A-studio was the beginning of the week exploring the Islet situation and deals with the subject in left today, Wednesday, TV1 has at 21.11 from.

we Asked all the parliamentary factions from the president solutions to how vaccine coverage can be improved.

Yle news graphics”the Individual’s conviction does not get varantaa the health of others”

the Coalition party and the blue parliamentary group by chairman in favour of the vaccine compulsion.

Kalle Jokinen (ioc.) admit that it is difficult to say a straight position.

– it Must be remembered that vaccination is of varying difficulty. General dangerous to be classified as a disease of the vaccine to should be.

Jokinen stated that the individual’s conviction or indifference endanger the health of others. At worst, it may cause an epidemic or public health problem, which would increase the cost.

Also Simon August (sin.) worth some sort of vaccine compulsion.

When the vaccines are eventually obtained and thus there is a safety and public health raised, it would be a peculiar idea, that this is no longer being used.

in August admit, I have to consider ajettaisiinko to impose sanctions on the former farther away from their families, which is already a challenge.

the majority of believes education

Eight, the parliamentary group chairman of the eleven stated that childhood vaccination should be mandatory. Mps rely on the vaccination coverage achieved enlightened advice through.

– the European experience suggests voluntary work better. In the nordic countries voluntary nature has been reached to better vaccine coverage than Eastern European countries, which is a vaccine to the centre of the Antti Kaikkonen .

on the Same line is the SDP Antti Lindtman .

– To be able to add people in until hank obedience. We hope to enlighten the type of vaccine increased knowledge of when people would do the correct information on solutions, Wendy Sea (ps.) comment.

in the opinion of Many vaccine protection in Finland has mainly good. The problem of rising regional disparities, which fresh example is the islet of the local measles cases.

the Green Krista Mikkonen did not test the vaccine coercion as the most effective way. In areas where vaccine protection is weakened, it is his opinion, however, intervene and think of ways where the vaccine rate can be increased.

the parliament of the vaccine group belongs to Aino-Kaisa Pekonen (left.) take the vaccine to the subject.

– If in the country should the crisis situation and the outbreak strain would spread strongly, then I’d think for drastic measures.

agree is the star of the movement Paavo Väyrynen , according to which the law gives the epidemic is already the possibility of using the vaccine to.

Peter Östman (kd.) I hope more Health and welfare institute (THL) experts to take a position on the vaccine to.

If THL estimates that the enhanced measures are not enough, I believe and I trust them.

the Business of the Festival Hjallis Harkimo did not want to comment on the subject.

“consideration is already”

minister of Education Sanni Grahn-Laasonen (ioc.) presenting a weekend of clarification as to whether the child’s vaccination put the terms of your child support payment, or other family benefits.

This proposal is only Kalle Jokinen (ecr) and Simon August (sin.).

– pecuniary interest is already. He suggests that the maternity allowance, unless you have been to clinic for a health check at a specific date.

If the child is not vaccinated, Elon, according to the most likely way would be to address the benefits. However, he would like to hear first experts reviews.

Swedish people’s party Thomas Blomqvist view, the child benefit tying vaccines is a complex issue.

– for me it can be to figure out. However, those who are inoculating their children, would be something more.

“Can money change the ideology?”

the Family – and the basic service, the minister of Annika Saarikko (kesk.) is knocked out of the vaccine to. He has proposed that child benefit reductions instead of one month extra allowance to those families who have taken care of their basic vaccinations right child of school age at the latest.

Antti Kaikkonen (kesk.) is of the same opinion.

I Saw families for whom child benefits come in sore need, are not left without benefits.

left alliance Pekonen believes that positive solutions are encouraging vaccines.

but I don’t know how to say, can the money change the ideology.

Grahn-Laasonen, presentation, referring to Antti Lindtman (sd.) can’t see economic sanctions to be necessarily the most effective means.

the – Urgent is to take full use of all the means which the law already allows, such as low-threshold services to facilitate access.

lindtman I believe that health care guidelines should improve as well as the stress that the clinic has the duty to check the vaccination validity.

at the Same time should develop all the finns on the vaccine registry functionality. Also Pekonen emphasize the strong health system.

– No more ministerial-level threats. I don’t think it will lead to a good outcome, not for anybody, Leena Sea (ps.) statement.

no vaccine, No child benefit? Vaccine to talk to. Wednesday A-studio at 21.11 starting to discuss the education minister Sanni Grahn-Laasonen (ecr) and THL chief Stanley Puumala. Host Heikki Ali-Ihalainen. #yleastudio

Read more:

Why do parents leave their children from vaccination? Now talking about the topic clarified the researcher

the Family – and the basic service minister knock out the vaccine to Finland: “To have the idea pretty foreign concept”

the education minister Grahn-Laasonen, ask for clarification: Vaccination of children additional terms and conditions – Italy fined already parents to

Hundreds have applied for the vaccine against measles for fear of the doctor to keep the new cases likely in the next few weeks Luoto

the minister Saarikko does not understand their child the vaccine without departing parents, appealed to the islet of mother and fathers: “Rokottakaa your children”

Measles exposed is in Ostrobothnia already 300, and their goal at – home insulation is the only option if the disease won’t protect against the still