chance would have it, a police patrol witnessed on the night of the last Saturday a serious accident on the Highway A-45, in the municipality of Antequera (Malaga). Circulated by the road when they saw how a Range Rover colisionaba from behind with a truck. Quickly went to assist the victims. In the vehicle most affected, the off-road, they found a 30-year old trapped between a mass of iron. Also 450 kilograms of hashish and 28 other marijuana. After being assisted, the young drug dealer was arrested as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of drug trafficking.

As described by the National Police agents involved in this incident -occurred at the height of the port, The stony areas and in the direction of Granada, the first thing that called the attention is that the accident vehicle had bent the plates of the registration. A detail that did jump off the alarms. Then we got a big surprise: when they were able to access the interior of the vehicle, they found 15 bundles of 30 kilos each, and 28 kilos of marijuana distributed in several backpacks.


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The victim, of French origin, had to be freed from the suv by firefighters. She was transferred immediately to a hospital in Malaga, where he was operated on for emergency and continues today entered police custody. The research is still open to determine the possible involvement of the arrested in a criminal organization.