the president of The PP basque, Alfonso Alonso, has accused today the PNV of “making an atomic bomb” with the new Statute vasco agreed with EH Bildu. The leader of the popular has been very critical of the strategy that has taken the party led by Andoni Ortuzar, and has warned of the risk of returning to the times of the “social confrontation” if the basque nationalism agree on the “liquidation” of self-government.


The Government agrees to negotiate with the Basque country and the transfer of the prisons, EH Bildu considers “historic” agreement with the PNV on self-government, The PNV and EH Bildu agreed a consultation “enabling” of the Statute before taking it to the Courts

“they Say that manufactured an atomic bomb, but they are not going to use. The have to know that they have. It is a game of constant pressure, which is dangerous because it can lead to division and a breakdown in the Basque Country”, said Alonso in a conference in Bilbao of the Forum Europe-Tribuna Euskadi.

The former minister of the PP has stressed that “the country agreement” between the PNV and EH Bildu to the statutory reform, which includes a query enabling the Basque country before their processing in the Courts, is the “liquidation” of the Statute and prevents any understanding with the nationalists. The PP basque, which had become a main actor during the first two years of the legislature and basque in the stability of the Government budget of Urkullu, has now been relegated to a secondary role after the decision of the PNV to support the investiture of Pedro Sanchez and agree with the abertzale left and the new Statute of Gernika.

the drift of The PNV has been, according to Alonso, the main impediment to the PP support budgets basques, 2019. The popular gave oxygen to Urkullu to take forward the accounts for the last two years, but have finally put an end to that trust after the “marriage” between the PNV and EH Bildu. “What would you have done. Shout out to Paul Married and it seemed fine. But we don’t have a political position that can justify us to give back to an agreement with Bildu, a derived radical pro-sovereignty”, he said.

Alonso has also criticized the agreement reached on Monday between the central Government and basque to establish a schedule of transfers to the Basque country that provides for the delivery of prison but not the economic management of the Social Security. “There is a hurry to collect the price of the support that the PNV gave to Peter Sanchez” to be president and to relieve Mariano Rajoy, has said. It has been shown convinced that the PNV will leave the president of the Government in the lurch when you achieve “what you want to take out”, as in your judgment did the basque nationalists when “stabbed” to Rajoy.

“do not be deceived and walk with eye, because as soon as take what they have to get they will give them back,” he warned Alonso, who has argued that “the Statute of basque has not only been met, but that there are many skills that now holds the basque Government, which were not planned and were even expressly excluded,” as special taxes.

Regarding the negotiations that Madrid and Vitoria are going to address for transfer of jurisdiction over prisons, Alonso has warned that the PNV is not interested in managing prisons in the Basque Country, but its aim is to control “the prison policy and the approach of the prisoners of a terrorist organization determined”. For this reason, it has housed the minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande Marlaska, who showed otherwise transfer this matter, to “impose your view” on the Government of Sanchez.

And on the management of the economic regime of Social Security has predicted that “it’s not going to transfer” to the Basque country and “it’s not going to break the single box, a pillar of solidarity in Spain.” “Not going to allow this”, emphasized the leader popular. On this issue, the minister of Territorial Policy, Meritxell Batet, has made it clear today in an interview in Radio Euskadi that this matter remains at the margin of the negotiation because “the single box is untouchable”.