The duty of the press: Over 75 years ago, I remember listening to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Fireside Chats” with my family. I remember, too, how calm and reassuring his voice was.

Over 60 years ago, my political science professor defined democracy as the right of the American people to vote wrong.

Over 200 years ago, Jefferson said that if we had to choose between democracy and a free press, we must choose a free press.

Trump, as a human, has absolutely no redeeming social value. He has already called the press liars and corrupt. It’s up to the press to show us that the “emperor has no clothes!”

Leon R. Stevens, Beaverton

Enough is enough: Donald Trump violates constitutional rights, alienates allies and uses this nation as his personal ATM machine to enrich himself, while placing us all at greater risk of external threat with his idiot tweets and “executive actions.”

The Republicans in the US Senate vote to silence Sen. Elizabeth Warren when she speaks on the Senate floor, citing Coretta King, about the appointment of a KKK apologist to U.S. attorney general.

How much more are we going to take before we rid our beloved country of this Putin puppet, this Russian hack, this Wall Street tax-cheat and his fat-cat cronies? This lying, racist misogynist, who makes a mockery of the post he acquired not through general election, but through a process originally designed to allow slave-holding states to own humans as property, is driving this country towards another civil war.

Joni J. O’Donahue, Lake Oswego

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