The Democratic National Committee plans to vote on a resolution condemning the ABC drama “Designated Survivor,” taking a poke at FBI Director James Comey for his actions in the waning days of the presidential election.

The Wall Street Journal reported the DNC plans to vote Feb. 23 at its meeting in Atlanta on the resolution.

The resolution says the show could undermine the public’s faith in the FBI since it shows the FBI director confessing to a crime he did not commit because he was being blackmailed. Comey already has “demonstrated in the recent 2016 election that he does not need to be blackmailed to engage in illegal partisan actions,” the resolution says, concluding, “All U.S. citizens are endouraged to have the same respect for the FBI as Director Comey demonstrated.”

The resolution targets Comey’s actions 10 days before the Nov. 8 election in which he first announced the investigation into Democrat Hillary Clinton’s private email server after investigators found some emails from her aide, Houma Abedine, on a computer she shared with her ex-husband Anthony Wiener. At the time, the disgraced former New York congressman was under investigation for sexting an underage North Carolina girl.

The weekend before the election, Comey issued another statement saying the emails were duplicates of ones already investigated and that the investigation had been closed again.

Democrats, including Clinton’s campaign, have blamed Comey’s actions, in part, for her loss to Republican Donald Trump.

The FBI director currently is reported investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn for contacts with the Russian ambassador before Trump was sworn into office. Democats have said they want to know exactly what Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak discussed and who ordered Flynn to make the contact. There also are allegations the Trump campaign was in contact with Russian officials before the election.

In “Designated Survivor,” Kiefer Sutherland plays a low-level Cabinet member who is elevated to the presidency when everyone above him in the succession line is killed in an attack.

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