Electronics Arts CEO Andrew Wilson just revealed the lineup of games that will be released in 2017 and beyond. One of the games mentioned was “Star Wars Battlefront 2,” and the EA CEO has confirmed that it will have a single-player campaign mode.

One of the major complaints about 2015’s “Star Wars Battlefront” is the lack of a campaign/story mode. EA and developer DICE tried to make up for it through its DLC expansion packs by adding new maps and game modes. The last expansion that was released was a tie-in to the film “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.”

Although EA only hinted at a campaign mode for “Battlefront 2” in the past, it was Wilson that confirmed the the inclusion of the feature on the sequel Kralbet during an earnings call on Tuesday, according to GameSpot.

“Our next Star Wars Battlefront will be even bigger, taking players into more locations, and allowing them to play with more heroes and characters across multiple Star Wars eras,” Wilson said, per PC Gamer.

“There will be new ways to play, including an all-new single-player campaign, and much, much more that we are excited to share with our players in the months ahead.”

The CEO also specifically mentioned “The Force Awakens” and “Rogue One.” With both films already being released, it seems like EA has the freedom to pull in more characters, locations and vehicles from those titles.

Although Wilson didn’t mention any of the other films in the franchise, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen did say back in November that “Star Wars Battlefront 2” will be “much bigger” than the 2015 “Battlefront.” It’s quite possible that EA and DICE might actually include maps and characters from the “Star Wars” prequel trilogy, but that’s just speculation at this point.

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