
Heatwave 2020 : a new heat wave expected Thursday

HEAT wave WAS 2020. The sun makes its grand return on Wednesday. And if the morning was pleasant, the temperatures will climb....

Mask mandatory : soon to be imposed in Paris, where is it already ?

according To information from the World, the mask is becoming mandatory in some areas outside of Paris. Summary Stores and public...

Covid-19 in France : figures, graphs, maps… The evolution of the coronavirus simplified

COVID 19. The pandemic of sars coronavirus continues to rage in France. You can find our maps, curves, statistics and all data...

Covid-19 in France : all figures, graphs, and maps on the coronavirus

COVID 19. How is the epidemic of coronavirus in France ? Here are all the important figures and curves to follow in...

Mask mandatory : Paris, Lille, in the Mayenne… Where is it taxed ?

as Soon as this Monday, August 3, the mask becomes mandatory in some public places open in several cities of France. ...

Heatwave 2020 : as of Thursday, a new wave of heat comparable to that...

HEAT wave WAS 2020. The last few days of heat have been just an appetizer. In the middle of the week, France...

Bison Futé : a circulation continues to be very difficult this Sunday

BISON FUTE VACANCES D'ETE – After a Saturday is classified black by Bison Futé, in the sense of departure, that the day...

Reconfinement in France : national, which is located… what we know

The monitoring indicators of the Covid-19 are rising on the national territory. Of reconfinements located are they to be expected ? ...

Bison Futé : how much traffic for Saturday, 1st August, black on the roads...

BISON FUTE VACANCES D'ETE – This Saturday, August 1st, the traffic will be heavily congested on the main roads and secondary national...

Mask required : Lille, Biarritz… These cities where it will take the wear even...

By a decree published in the official Journal Friday, July 31, the prefects can make the mask mandatory in outdoor public spaces....

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