
Mask required : inside, in the street… What’s the regulation in force ?

By order, the prefects can now make the mask mandatory in the public open spaces. This is particularly the case in the...

Aïd el-Kebir : the info key of the feast of sacrifice muslim, Friday

AID EL KEBIR. It takes place from 31 July this year, against a background of epidemic Covid-19. Linternaute.com tells you more about...

Mask mandatory : where is it taxed ? Should it be put in the...

MASK CORONAVIRUS. Wearing a mask is mandatory in enclosed public places. Olivier Veran has recommended the port of the mask to the...

Accident at Laon : the version of the driver of the truck, now put...

ACCIDENT CAR. The driver of the truck, which was recognized to be the origin of the fatal accident on the RN2, has...

Accident at Laon : what was recognized by the truck driver

ACCIDENT CAR. The driver of the truck involved in the fatal accident of the RN2 near Laon, said investigators have lost control...

Vaccines and drugs against the coronavirus : the point on the advances of science

When a vaccine against the Covid-19 will it be finally available ? Should we consider their efficacy and the possible side effects...

Crashed near Laon (Aisne) : 4 children killed, what we know of the drama

A serious road accident four young victims on Tuesday, July 28, near Laon, in the region Hauts-de-France. The precise circumstances of the...

Aïd el-Kebir : the date of the feast of sacrifice muslim and the recommendations...

AID EL KEBIR. What are the dates and the info key of the Eid el-Kebir in 2020, but also the recent recommendations...

Gisèle Halimi : choose motherhood, the tough combat of the feminist activist

The lawyer and feminist activist, is dead at the age of 93 years on Tuesday, July 28. It will, among other things,...

Vaccines and drugs against the coronavirus : the command of the USA, Bill Gates…...

The United States has placed an order of nearly $ 1.95 billion for a potential vaccine. At the same time, the theories,...

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