Sabadell and CaixaBank left Catalonia for the ‘process’ in Alicante and Valencia, respectively


Sumar’s deputy spokesperson in Congress and leader of Compromís, Àgueda Micó, has rejected Junts’ proposal to sanction companies that left Catalonia due to the tensions derived from the independence process. “Punitiveness is not a solution,” she stated in a press conference in the Lower House.

Junts spokesperson, Josep Rius, stated this Tuesday that the Catalan party contemplates that companies that moved their headquarters from Catalonia due to the ‘procés’ “may be sanctioned” if they do not return. The proposal has been made one day before the Government presents to Congress in an extraordinary session three decree laws related to justice, the reform of unemployment benefits and anti-crisis aid.

But for Micó, companies should not be penalized for choosing one place or another to carry out their economic activity. Even more so, he said, if the decision to leave is linked to a political conflict. In her place, the Valencian representative believes it is appropriate to “reveal” the political conflict so that it is not the cause of companies moving their headquarters.

It so happens that two of the large entities that left Catalonia due to the ‘procés’ were Sabadell and CaixaBank, which precisely chose Alicante and Valencia as their new destination, respectively.

In any case, the deputy spokesperson for Compromís has rejected that the Government is seeking an alternative agreement with the PP, which wants a reduction in personal income tax and VAT on food and electricity to approve the decrees.

“A coalition government that needs support for any approval has to agree and negotiate, that is what the PSOE has to do, first with the government partners and then with the investiture partners,” he stressed at a press conference.

In this sense, he has urged the PSOE to carry out an “exercise of responsibility” and to agree and talk more with its government partners so that it does not find itself in a situation like the current one. “What the PSOE has to do is make an agreement with Junts and Podemos, and negotiate with its partners,” he maintains. “It is a lesson that it will have to learn little by little.”