(Information sent by the signatory company)
CANTERAS CA’S VILAFRANQUER is a family business located in the municipality of Petra (Mallorca) whose commercial activity focuses on the exploitation of marés stone and the production of aggregates for mortars that it markets in the Balearic Islands.
Balearic Islands, April 24, 2024.- The location of the quarry, on the Son Montserrat estate, has a long history in the extraction of quality marés, a space in which, already in the 13th century, the stone necessary for the construction of the ancient church of Petra. Due to its properties, sandstone has been a widely used material in the construction of buildings and walls of properties, highlighting the Cathedral of Mallorca and the Royal Palace of Almudaina, as well as the vast majority of railway stations of the Mallorca Railway Company. Starting in 1972, the farm began to be exploited professionally and, a few years later, the aggregate plant was launched to crush the surplus generated by the marés. With more than 50 years of experience, the company is currently managed by the second generation of the family. Aware of the possible environmental impact that the exploitation of marés could have, since the beginning of its business activity, CANTERAS CA’S VILAFRANQUER has carried out a reforestation that restores the vegetation prior to the exploitation of an area. This not only protects the environment, but also reduces the possible impact of the process. CANTERAS CA’S VILAFRANQUER, S.A. Since 2015, he has collaborated with CEDEC, Strategic Organization Consulting in management, direction and organization of family businesses and SMEs. The consultancy has worked in various departments of the company, from the preparation of an orderly generational change, the preparation of a family protocol, as well as various aspects to improve the economic-financial management of the company, all with the aim of creating solid foundations to strengthen its growth, achieve the highest levels of Business Excellence in its management and enjoy being an entrepreneur. In its work, CEDEC makes available to companies the most efficient organizational systems with the aim of strengthening their business results. and work towards the achievement of Business Excellence. Thanks to its proven methodology, it works with and for entrepreneurs with the aim of effectively implementing, in companies of any size, professional and updated management through the application of its own techniques and work systems. Established in Spain since 1971 , CEDEC has participated in projects of more than 46,000 companies, more than 13,000 in Spain, employing a staff of more than 300 highly qualified professionals in all its headquarters, 150 of which in Spain. CEDEC is a member of the AEC, Spanish Association of Consulting Companies. With offices in Spain in Madrid and Barcelona, the Strategic Organization Consulting for family businesses and SMEs, CEDEC, is present in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Italy. CEDEC’s work as a consultancy specialist in strategic business organization is reflected in CEDEC’s opinions and success stories offered by clients selflessly and which can be consulted on the different websites of the countries where the company is established https:/ /www.cedec-group.com/es/opiniones, with customer comments on its YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg86SZf…
Contact Contact name: Pere Terés Contact description: CEDECT Press Office Contact telephone number: 930330101