After the CD&V, the N-VA also believes that the act of abortion is a breaking point in the process of forming a federal government. The two parties are opposed to the proposal of the liberals, socialists, greens and PTB for more flexibility in the law. “I can tell you that if parties give the green light to a law that I find outrageous, this will be complicated to do as if nothing was the matter with them the next day “, said Bart de Wever, a Saturday, at the microphone of the VRT.

The text reviews several of the main principles of the 1990 act, which decriminalized for the first time partially abortion in Belgium. The time in which a voluntary interruption of pregnancy may be carried out from 12 to 18 weeks of pregnancy, the period of reflection is reduced to 48 hours and that ABORTION was completely decriminalized, subject to a qualification of injury if the conditions are not met.