Mobillådan is an effective illustration of how the 2019 was the most teknikängsliga of the year so far. Skärmtidskritiken to have come from the two recommendations from international institutions, books on how to reduce their mobile phone use.
It is evident that most of the överkonsumeras can be a bad thing, especially if it takes time for things like sleep and a social life. This is also the case with the time with the cell phone. The question of the relationship with our mobile phones is something many people need to learn how to manage it. We spend an average of 3.5 hours on our cell phones every day. If you multiply that with our average life expectancy, it means that we have to use the phone for a total of 12 years, during the course of our lifetime.
The fit is not a mobillåda
This is an issue that is too large to place in a mobillåda. We will not solve our problems by turning a blind eye to them, but to learn to deal with them. The debate should not be about the time of the screen, but what do we do with it.
one by One with extreme over-consumption will have to be a bad thing. However, skärmkritiken have many people to feel ashamed of something that they probably don’t need to be ashamed of.
Skärmtid tend to be lumped together into a gray mass, which does not take into account what we will get out of it. Screens can serve as a tool for both physical and social. For many people, the cell phone is a tool of the time, which will help us to spend time with my family or reading a good book. People have, for example, carried out a study which shows that the skärmtiden bring us closer to our social relationships. The screens have, for example, has given the older generation a whole new way to keep in touch with children and grand-children.