the Swedish association of health professionals has been examined in personal development, in the Region of Stockholm to a wide range of health care stakeholder groups, between 2014 and 2018, and will see a very worrying trend. The number of biomedical analysts, nurses, and medical specialists is decreasing, while the population is on the increase. During the same period, the number of administrators has become almost a 1,000 more, an increase of 13 per cent. The view that the finansregionrådet Irene Svenonius (c), and the government gives priority to the region’s resources in the wrong. A change of direction is required.

Sweden’s richest region go wrong
the Stockholm region is Sweden’s richest region and has made a surplus in the last couple of years. However, despite the good conditions, it gives about the handlebar so as to skimp a contribution to the activities that they do not even cover the wages, and the cost increases. At the same time that more healthcare to be produced with fewer resources, there is clearly money to the administration. For a start, it might be possible to streamline some of the processes, but after a while it goes out of the staff, and then it will be rather ineffective.

< Finansregionråd Irene Svenonius (to it).Photo by: < / b> by ANN short questions
People that go to the wall, and will be long-term sick leave due to unrealistic demands, samvetsstress, and a lack of working environment at a price. The experienced staff is leaving the region of Stockholm, sweden, which makes the functioning of the care team to fall apart. The impact of this short-sighted policy that the locals get a longer in a timely fashion. Between 2014 and 2018, the number of full time equivalents of nurses in the Region of Stockholm, has become the 523-less, with a decline of 5.6 per cent. At the same time, the population has increased by 6.6 per cent. Now, add in storvarsel at the hospital, and other hospitals are struggling with deficits.

It has been snålats for far too long
There is something wrong in the budgetstyrningen on the number of administrators increase by 13 per cent, while for those who are going to deliver health care is declining, or is less than, follow the demographics. The responsibility rests heavily on the shoulders of the region, to the responsible managers and politicians, who for too long have skimped on a decent wage, and a patientsäker the supply of skills to the healthcare sector, while the resources have been run of the road on the other. The consequences we can read about almost every day in the newspapers. Health professionals believe that it is because of a long-standing bug, and the felorganisering of the region’s resources.

at the same time that more healthcare to be produced with fewer resources, there is clearly money to the administration.

As public health nurses, biomedical analysts, röntgensjuksköterskor and nursing staff are missing work to the care of inferior and inefficient. In 2014, the prestigious organization of the American Economic Association, of a study that shows that the level of productivity in health care is falling, when the team’s birth in order to the ultimate end, and be replaced by a new, inexperienced, or in a temporary bemanningspersonal.
the World can not be managed to remove the

and Now, we need a change of direction. You can’t manage to remove in a timely fashion, it is just by keeping open the places of care, with the right vårdkompetens in the right place. The Stockholm Region needs to begin to evaluate our knowledge and experience, if you are going to be able to keep it off. There is a collective agreement that we signed in the spring, is a good place to start, which clearly states that the employers should give priority to the most highly experienced and specifically skilled. But it is also the policy to take to their employers ‘ responsibility and ensuring that managers have the resources to be able to live up to the agreement. The draft budget, which it is about management, presented to the 2020’s will make the situation in health care is getting worse. The budget for the year 2020 needs to be adjusted, and it needs to be done urgently, otherwise, the region will lose even more of the key competencies. < / span> < / span>

the Chairman of the department, Stockholm, sweden Swedish association of health professionals.

the President of the Swedish association of health professionals.

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