a Lot has been said in the post, China’s ambassador to the Gui Congyou, by threats, sought to influence the media and decision-makers. With all of the correct. It is the nature of the diplomatic hooliganism has no place in an open, modern, and a multilateral world, and we are trying to build. The ambassador’s action is a clear indication of what the Prc is a totalitarian state without faith in the fundamental rights and freedoms, that is, in detail, to guide citizens ‘ choices in life.

There is one thing that a number of representatives of the Chinese communist party does not share the approaches and opinion that characterizes the Swedish political culture, and for this reason the issues of which they argue are problematic as well. It’s another thing entirely to not respect the basic freedoms guaranteed to all who live here, which includes the right to the right to think different, to hit who you want, and make their own decisions.
More aggressive, try to
The chinese ambassador has made its mark on a number of occasions with his direct, aggressive attempts to get China’s point of view. Earlier this year, they were able to stop the united nations conference on human rights in Stockholm, sweden, and we have seen attempt after attempt to stop both the satirprogram such as the participation at the prize ceremony for the imprisoned bokförläggaren Gui Minhai.

As the country accepted in the day-to non-residents at all, to threaten the officers in general, and the representatives of the government, in particular, and to allow this to go on?

the Ambassador’s conduct may be directly counter-productive from a chinese point of view, but it sits still, his finger on, something that we, regardless of party affiliation, have in common in Sweden, there is A strong belief in the freedom of speech and democracy, as well as a zero-tolerance policy against extortion.

We must never again be silent while the crimes of totalitarian forces to stand up for themselves. It is, therefore, gratifying that the minister of foreign affairs, clearly marked to receive the chinese ambassador to the inappropriateness of the statements, and to the minister of culture, defied the threats and decided to take part in the presentation of the Gui Minhai. We are, however, still a question: in Which country will accept foreign diplomats to threaten the officers in general, and the representatives of the government, in particular, and let it continue after the meeting, and condemnation?

China’s tactics, in Sweden, is a unique and
According to the researchers from the Swedish institute of international affairs, which reviewed the chinese diplomacy in the different countries of the aggressive policy of Sweden, both unique in Europe and developed in the context of the appointment of our current atmosphere.

the ambassador of the Gui Congyous conduct likely to be sanctioned by the chinese government, Sweden is required to bring the bottom of the foot. The us has the responsibility to our own and that of others citizens who live here, to not let it be exposed to a threat from a foreign power. The chinese ambassador, has crossed the decency limit, and the government should immediately declare him not welcome in Sweden. < / span> < / span>

the External speaker.

Says the spokesperson.

a Member of the committee on foreign affairs.

READ MORE: Karin Olsson: absolute maffiaspråket when it threatens the swedes. READ MORE: I was roughly in the chinese tv – it feels good to Telia?

READ MORE: , So the spread of chinese kommunistpropaganda in the SverigeExpressen to find the ambassador at the safari – but after the threats against Sweden