The price of housing for rent in Spain has risen 6% in the first quarter compared to the previous quarter and has risen 7% year-on-year, reaching its price at 12.36 euros per square meter per month, according to the data from the Fotocasa Real Estate Index.

The Director of Studies and spokesperson for Fotocasa, María Matos, has pointed out that the rental price once again marks a new “historical maximum” at the national level, and has added that this situation is “alarming” because it continues “rising strongly without views to moderate.”

Matos explained that the increases in housing prices are due to the transfer of residential leases to seasonal rentals or rooms.

By autonomous community, 16 communities register quarterly increases and 17 have year-on-year increases. Fotocasa has highlighted that ten communities have exceeded their maximum prices, especially in Madrid, with 18.32 euros per square meter per month; Balearic Islands (17.54 euros), Catalonia (16.49 euros), Basque Country (15.35 euros), Canary Islands (13.45 euros) and Valencia (11.93 euros), among others.

The largest quarterly increases have occurred in Castilla-La Mancha (10.7%), La Rioja (8.9%), Murcia (7.9%), Madrid (5.4%), Navarra (5.2% ), Canary Islands (5.2%), Galicia (4.8%), Balearic Islands (3.8%), Andalusia (3.8%), Extremadura (3.7%), Asturias (3.6%), Catalonia (3.4%), Cantabria (3.1%), Comunitat Valenciana (2.8%), Aragón (2.8%) and Castilla y León (2.2%), according to data from the real estate portal.

By province, 37 cities registered quarterly increases and 43 year-on-year. Fotocasa has highlighted three provinces with quarterly increases: Cáceres (11.8%), La Rioja (8.9%) and A Coruña (8.6%).

On the other side of the table, ten provinces have presented quarterly decreases, as is the case of Álava (-8.4%), Jaén (-5.0%), Palencia (-4.4%), Ourense (-4 .2%), Guadalajara (-3.8%), León (-2.4%), Badajoz (-0.9%), Teruel (-0.8%), Lugo (-0.3%) and Bizkaia (-0.1%).

Regarding the ranking of prices by province, Barcelona leads with 18.42 euros per square meter per month, followed by Madrid (18.42 euros), Gipuzkoa (18.00 euros) and the Balearic Islands (17.54 euros).