
Symptoms of Covid : other signs with varying English ?

is the period of time between contamination and the appearance of the first symptoms. What are the first symptoms related to the...

School and covid : masks, canteens, closures of class… The new health rules

t the holiday. the number of children tested : the children are in general much less detected than adults. This can make...

Speech of Macron : a response to unexpectedly to announce a reconfinement ?

anual Macron has given a new interview to TF1 and France 2. The head of State took the opportunity to announce new measures in...

Curfew in France : why the measure is effective, the rules

curfew. In force since 2 January, the curfew as early as 18 hours would have a positive impact on the epidemic, even...

Symptoms of Covid : variants change the signs of coronavirus ?

acute; neuroinvasive SARS-CoV2, and an unexpected consequence of the direct infection of neurons by the SARS-CoV-2", have been demonstrated. "During the autopsy of the...

Transmission of Covid : children are much more infectious, according to a new study...

; that the SARS-CoV-2 can be sexually transmitted, it could be an essential element in the prevention of the virus". The researchers have found...

Vitamin D and Covid : what do we know about its effectiveness against the...

According to experts, citing the results of scientific studies, vitamin D could have a preventive role against the serious forms of the...

Tray 2021 : the events again disrupted by the coronavirus, which is expected

LAC 2021. The minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer has announced the January 21, the cancellation of the events of the specialty of...

Speech of Macron : a speech is planned in the next few days ?

you can understand by yourself the decisions that need to be taken in the coming days," he said. About Jean Castex, it was...

Vaccine Pasteur : why the Institute puts an end to his project ?

bcg PASTEUR VACCINE. In a statement, the Pasteur Institute has announced the end of its main vaccine while announcing the development of...

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