
Gérald Darmanin accused of rape : the folder, restarted, and the minister is ejected...

justice, which is reviewing the validity of the non-place enjoyed by Gérald Darmanin, ordered the resumption of investigation of the case. The...

Coronavirus in the world : alert in Africa, the fear of a second wave...

CORONAVIRUS. The acceleration of the spread of the Covid-19 in Africa raises the concern, while in the United States, investors fear a...

Floods in Ajaccio : a deluge in less than an hour

A deluge descended on the city of Ajaccio in Corsica on Thursday 11 June 2020. Major material damages were reported. The point...

Emmanuel Macron : rumors of resignation, the reaction of the Elysée

RESIGNATION MACRON. And if the head of the State took up all of the world short by announcing shortly his resignation ?...

Speech of Emmanuel Macron : what will tell the president, in his speech on...

The president of the Republic address to the French this Sunday, June 14, in a solemn discourse. For Emmanuel Macron, this address...

Event for Adama Traoré : this is expected in Paris Saturday, June 13,

the call of the committee "The truth to Adama," new demonstrations for Adama Traoré, the young man who died in 2016, following...

Coronavirus in the world : alarming rise of deaths in the USA, the figures

CORONAVIRUS. The United States fail to reduce dramatically the number of deaths related to the Covid-19, which is even on the rise...

Déconfinement, phase 3 : a date to end the state of emergency, but restrictions...

DECONFINEMENT - phase 3 of the déconfinement is announced for 22 June. Then, the government plans to end the state of emergency...

Study exclusive. What is the impact of the Covid on vaccination in France and...

For Linternaute.com, YouGov has conducted an international survey to establish the extent to which people have renounced their vaccines during a public...

Coronavirus in the world : no of improvement in Brazil, the balance sheet, by...

CORONAVIRUS. The Covid-19 continues to spread in Brazil, with balance sheets that are encrypted still worrisome, and probably under-estimated. Other countries in...

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